Friday, May 8, 2009

One world, one issue

We can be divided by region, by color, by geography, by weather, by nation, by name we can be divided for many reason. Even United Nation is not united for many reasons. But we all are UNITED for our world, our living green world. You might have no time to think about me, to think about others but you must think about your self, about your family, about your children.

For you, for your family, for your children you need this world. So keep the world clean, keep the world green. In future scientists can discover that people can live in Mars. But it will be expensive for you to travel there and also you have to face VISA problems, good health is also required for the long journey way to Mars. So without thinking for your living world keep it clean. Otherwise one day from other planet someone will come to your grave to research, is in this planet has ever life, water, tree!!!!